Κυριακή 4 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Ανταπόκριση στο δημοσιογραφικό πρακτορείο Reuters για το αποτέλεσμα των εκλογών

Τα παρακάτω είναι το ακριβές κείμενο που στάλθηκε στο reuters και γιαυτο και είναι στα αγγλικά

Τhe election outcome will likely be well-received by markets. Not because they have a preference between the two parties but because a new goverment with a parliamentary majority will have a fresh mandate to pursue its programme over a four-year term.
The previous goverment had a de facto time limit, it was certain to face elections in March. The new goverment will negotiate better terms, more time, with the EU to bring down the deficit. I do not expect there will be an impact on yield spreads of Greek goverment bonds over core European benchmark bonds. Pretty much all European goverments face similar problems.

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